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Fed up with the
political gridlock?

Find common ground
to move us forward

Cut through the noise together.


You are tired of all the political division and rhetoric. You want to see real change. You believe if our elected officials don’t work to unite us, the citizens will.


We are citizens with various backgrounds, beliefs, and party affiliations who believe in dialogue and compromise to stop partisan extremism and cause real change.


You and us. United  – we will create solutions for unity and change and challenge our elected officials to make progress. If they don’t – we will support candidates who will.

Only 31% feel the Government represents their views well.

Talk – Listen – Act.


Engage in conversation around current legislative subjects of shared concern to citizens and elected officials. Our Guide to Bridge the Divide provides resources to discuss views and ideas that may differ from your own and find common ground.


Invite friends and family to join in conversation around current legislative issues, organize citizen-run events, deliver common ground solutions to your elected officials…and more. We give you tools to make it happen. Let us know your skills.


We know – you hate it when you’re asked to donate money. But, movements take money. Donate $5 or $10 today to organize and create dialogue, ideas, and actions for positive change, and to communicate those ideas to elected officials.


Stay posted on opportunities to make your voice heard, resources to guide your discussions toward actions for change. You also gain access to our closed discussion groups, new alerts, and the latest updates to #UnifyUsNow.     

72% want the President and Congress to compromise.


We know – you hate it when you’re asked to donate money. But, let’s be realistic. Movements take money. Causes take money. Change takes money.


Donate $5 or $10 to fund the movement, elect representatives or support currently held seats that embrace the Unity Party principles. Donate today to organize for dialogue, to help people make their voices heard, to get together and create ideas and actions based on compromise not party or personal interests, and communicate those ideas to elected officials.